A good discovery plan is the keystone of a successful medical malpractice suit. Due to space constraints, this paper will discuss several strategies involving research regarding your client, formal discovery, informal discovery, and approaches for deposition preparation of the defendant or his expert. The aim is to help you gather more than just information to avoid surprises, but information you can use to develop the themes of your case and create a successful outcome.
You cannot successfully prepare a medical malpractice case until you have obtained all pertinent records regarding your client. This can be a painstaking process, but it is critical in terms of your own preparation, and to make certain that no untoward surprises are contained in any records. Send requests for documents which include all medical care provider records, including third parties, hospitals, clinics, physician offices, psychiatry and/or psychological facilities, pharmacy records; physical therapy facilities, and any outpatient radiology [2] and laboratory facilities, [3]etc.
When obtaining records, your release and request should include: any and all medical records, including those that are written, computer generated, on microfilm, disk, etc. Ask for any and all medical authorizations; incident reports; billing statements; billing records;[4]insurance correspondence; inpatient requisitions; outpatient requisitions; office notes; progress notes; consultation notes; nurses notes; physician notes; progress notes; admission notes; discharge summaries; surgical notes; anesthesia records; recovery room/PACU (post-anesthesia care unit) records; radiology reports, laboratory reports; pathology reports; cytology reports; medication records; blood transfusion records; in-house pharmacy records; and transfer records. Although the defendant healthcare provider(s) may have treated your client on an inpatient basis only, remember he or she often keeps medical and billing records regarding your client at his or her office. If your case involves wrongful death, obtain the death certificate, complete autopsy records, autopsy photographs, autopsy specimens, complete coroner’s report, and any county investigational reports.
In addition to the client’s medical records, consider looking into the following areas to help you prepare your medical malpractice case:
You should always serve initial discovery (including interrogatories, requests for production of documents, and requests for admission) along with the complaint when a new case is filed. This way, you can obtain some basic information early on from the defendants, as well as information that is more out of the ordinary. In addition to the stock set of interrogatories, which can get you the names of witnesses the defendant(s) have or intend to call, exhibits they plan to use, identity of their experts and the defendants’ insurance information, etc., you should add interrogatories which request information on the defendant’s education, training, experience, residencies and board certifications, which can sometimes be obtained simply by requesting a copy of a defendant’s curriculum vitae. Consider adding some of the following to your stock set of requests for production of documents:
When you have sued a hospital in addition to individually named defendant physicians, include an interrogatory to the hospital which asks if the National Practitioner Data Base was queried when the hospital granted privileges to the physician (and every two years thereafter). If the hospital responds they did not obtain the information then you can file their answers and your requests with the National Practitioner Data Bank in your attempt to get the information on the physician. The following is an interrogatory you could send to the hospitals:
A hospital must provide the plaintiff with the requested information, or confirm that it failed to request information from the Data Bank as required by federal regulations, at which point the plaintiff’s attorney will be entitled to obtain the information directly through the use of 45 CFR § 60.10 and 60.11. [6]
Further, “a hospital has a direct and independent responsibility to its patients to take reasonable steps to ensure that staff physicians using hospital facilities are qualified for privileges granted.”[7] The definition of “peer review” addresses the evaluation of the quality and efficiency of actual medical care services and does not encompass the credentialing process to the extent that every decision to extend or maintain staff privileges is a peer review function. [8]
The Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO) is an independent, not-for-profit organization that is governed by a board of physicians, nurses, and consumers, which sets standards and measures health care quality. The standards it promulgates provides fertile ground for inquiry from defendant hospitals. Various aspects of surveys and performance reports such as those performed by JCAHO are not privileged nor protected by medical review committees and peer review privileges.[9] JCAHO’s website provides a good deal of information at www.jcaho.org. Additionally, JCAHO’s standards in its Accreditation Manual for Hospitals are a good source of specific areas into which to inquire regarding the credentialing process of physicians who have privileges at a particular institution. JCAHO has written criteria for staff appointments that must include consideration of a physician’s training, competence, character, and judgment. Therefore, areas of inquiry could be: the facility’s standard of character and judgment for appointment; how they measure judgment and character, etc.; what the credentialing committee relied upon to determine that the applicant had the requisite character and judgment, etc. The facility may not rely solely upon the fact that a physician is or is not board certified to make judgment on medical staff membership.
The following is a sample of requests for production of documents you may serve upon a defendant hospital regarding specific practitioners, which could be useful in pursuing a negligent credentialing claim against a hospital:
Together with these, send corresponding interrogatories, such as the following:
In the Requests for Admissions, which you should send out with a complaint, always include the following among the stock set that you serve:
These should be used because a hospital’s participation in Medicare may subject it to nondelegable responsibility under federal law for the acts of the physicians it provides. Medicare regulations address a wide range of services such as anesthesia, emergency care, etc. and the regulations often state that the hospitals are responsible for those services if it provides them.[10]
Much information can be garnered informally through correspondence with various agencies, or by accessing their websites. The information can then be used to prepare written discovery to the various defendants, or can be used to obtain ammunition for cross-examination of defendants and their experts.
The FOIA, which allows one to request copies of records not normally prepared for public distribution, pertains to existing records and does not require agencies to create new records or do research or analyze date. However, the records that are available can provide a wealth of knowledge about a facility, drug, or product. As part of your preparation of any medical malpractice case, consider requesting information from the following agencies:
A vast array of resources are available on the internet to assist you in researching a medical malpractice case, including medically-related sites to help in finding journal articles, as well as sites that can actually help you analyze data from a client’s medical records so that you know what it may signify (such as with lab results).
This is but a small sampling of some of the websites you may find helpful in preparing a medical malpractice case:
Using the curriculum vitae, which you obtained in response to your initial set of discovery, or if no CV is available, then through other information you gained through interrogatory responses, you have a springboard to begin to research the background of a particular physician, be it the defendant or an expert witness. The following websites can be extremely helpful in providing much background information on a particular practitioner:
State Licensure (www.iatrogenic.org). This website provides the addresses, telephone numbers, and often the homepage address of the state medical boards for all 50 states. Although each state board varies, most often it will provide such information as date of initial licensures, license status, professional business location, and if any disciplinary action has been taken in the past against the licensee. Remember to check any and all states where a physician previously had or might currently have licensure, or states where a physician continues to have licensure but no longer practices there.
Further, remember also to check the following areas for each practitioner:
Medical malpractice cases are won and lost in discovery. Be thorough in the discovery you propound to the defendants to eliminate their opportunities to escape liability. Use resources available in public records through FOIA to bolster your position. The Internet is invaluable to supplement the information and records you have already obtained and to uncover additional avenues of inquiry. A well thought out and complete discovery plan maximizes your chances for a fair settlement or a favorable trial outcome.[11]
[1]Copyright © Elizabeth Pelypenko 2003. All rights reserved.
[2]When obtaining radiographic records, make sure to obtain copies of all films including scans, arteriograms, cystograms, cardiac catheterizations, nuclear scans, moving films and/or videos, angiograms, etc. Often x-rays exist, but no correlating report can be located, and visa versa. Remember to also provide your experts with copies of any and all films.
[3]When obtaining laboratory records, also obtain the original cytology slides and pathological specimens if they relate to your case (i.e.: pap smears, cultures, biopsies, surgical specimens, etc.). As with x-ray films, remember to provide your pathology/cytology expert with the actual slides and specimens. Since the originals of these specimens are often released to you for only a certain period of time, you may wish to have color photographs and copies made for future depositions, exhibits, etc.
[4]When obtaining billing records and insurance correspondence, make sure you include each and every defendant, and all third parties, hospitals, clinics, outpatient facilities, pharmacies, etc. These records not only assist you with your damage claim, but they often prove or disprove what services were and were not rendered by the defendant(s).
[5] For example, a request for production might read:
All advertising literature or documents of any kind whatsoever, including, but not limited to, newsletters provided by Defendant ___________ Hospital or any other facility or organization on its behalf, to physicians, other health care providers and/or facilities, and the community as part of an effort to encourage the public to use ____________ Hospital.
[6]45 CFR § 60.10 covers information hospitals must request from the National Practitioner Data Bank:
(a) When information must be requested. Each hospital, either directly or through an authorized agent, must request information from the Data Bank concerning a physician, dentist or other health care practitioner as follows:
(b) Failure to request information. Any hospital that does not request the information as required in paragraph (a) of this section is presumed to have knowledge of any information reported to the Data Bank concerning this physician, dentist or other health care practitioner.
45 CFR § 60.11 provides in pertinent part:
(5) An attorney, or individual representing himself or herself, who has filed a medical malpractice action or claim in a State or Federal court or other adjudicative body against a hospital, and who requests information regarding a specific physician, dentist, or other health care practitioner who is also named in the action or claim. Provided, that this information will be disclosed only upon the submission of evidence that the hospital failed to request information from the Data Bank as required by Sec. 60.10(a), and may be used solely with respect to litigation resulting from the action or claim against the hospital….
[7]Candler General Hospital, Inc., v. Persaud, 212 Ga. App. 762, 766 (2), 442 SE2d 775 (1994).
[8]OCGA § 31-7-131(1).
[9]According to the JCAHO Public Information Policy, which can be viewed at www.jcaho.org, the following information is not considered confidential:
[10]42 CFR §482.12(e) states:
(e) Standard: Contracted Services. The governing body must be responsible for services furnished in the hospital whether or not they are furnished under contracts. The governing body must ensure that a contractor of services (including one for shared services and joint ventures) furnishes services that permit the hospital to comply with all applicable conditions of participation and standards for the contracted services.
[11] The author wishes to acknowledge and thank her paralegal Janice Hobbs for her input and contribution to this article.
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